青岛列举网 > 商务服务 > 展会服务 > 2020年青岛美博会


更新时间:2019-07-25 09:49:21 浏览次数:250次
区域: 青岛 > 崂山 > 崂山周边
■主办单位 Organized by
•北京美博环球文化传播有限公司 I Beijing Meibo Global Cultural Communication Co.,Ltd
•山东美博国际文化传播有限公司 I Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co.,Ltd
■承办单位 Sponsored by
•山东美博国际文化传播有限公司 I Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co.,Ltd
■支持单位 Supported by
•山东省美发美容行业协会 I Shandong Hairdressing & Beauty Industry Association
•山东省化妆品行业协会 I Shandong Cosmetic Industry Association
•青岛市美容美发化妆品行业协会 I Qingdao Beauty Hairdressing&Cosmetic Industry Association
■国际组展 International Department
•广州美博国际文化传播有限公司I MOBO International Guangzhou Co., Ltd
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青岛地理优势 /Geographical Advantage of Qingdao
青岛,简称“青”,山东省地级市,计划单列市、副省级市,是国家沿海重要中心城市、、 国际性港口城市,也是山东省经济中心、滨海度假旅游城市、国家重要的现代海洋产 业发展先行区、东北亚国际航运枢纽、海上体育运动基地,一带一路新亚欧大陆桥经 济走廊主要节点城市和海上合作战略支点。
青岛地处山东半岛东南部沿海,胶东半岛东部,中日韩自贸区的前沿地带;濒临 黄海,隔海与朝鲜半岛相望,东北与烟台毗邻,西与潍坊相连,西南与日照接壤;作 为沿海港口城市,青岛是整个黄海流域里具吸引力的城市;同时青岛所处的山东半 岛是中国北方为富庶的经济区域,市场辐射山东、天津、河北、河南、江苏等省份, 辖7个区,代管3个县级市。区域中心城市角色将有力支持青岛的城市地位。辐射总 人口数达35225.49万人。
Qingdao, referred to as nQing'\ prefecture-level city of Shandong province, independent planning status, deputy provincial city, is the important national coastal city and international coastal port city, is also province economic centerof shandong and coastal resort tourism city, important national modem marine industry development area, northeast asia international shipping hub, sea sports base, main node cities of the Belt and Road economic corridor euro-asian continental bridge and strategic fulcrum of maritime cooperation.
Qingdao is located in the southeast coast of Shandong Peninsula, east of Jiaodong Peninsula, and the leading area of chinajapan-korea free trade zone. Adjacent to the Huanghai Sea, across the sea and the Korean Peninsula, adjacent to Yantai in the northeast, Weifang in the west, and Rizhao in the southwest; As a coastal port city, Qingdao is the most attractive city in the Huanghai Sea basin. Meanwhile, the Shandong Peninsula, where Qingdao is located, is the richest economic region in north China. The market radiates to Shandong, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu and other provinces. It has jurisdiction over 7 districts and manages 3 county-level cities. The role of regional central city will strongly support Qingdao's city status. The total number of people exposed was 352,254,900.
关于青岛国际美博会 /AboutQingdao International Beauty Expo
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岛国际会展中心(青岛市崂山区苗岭路9号)隆重举办,展会涵盖专业美容、日化、美容整形、 台湾、韩国、香港展团、新零售和专业美甲美睫纹绣六大领域,展览面积将近60000平方米, 1600个展位,汇聚国际国内参展商,千余种品牌,届时将吸引数万来自山东及周边地区的 行业买家预计100000家到场参观采购,我们一切以客户为中心,“专注美业•用卓越的服务 推进中国美业的发展”为使命,效果才是硬道理。
2020年青岛国际美博会是中国东部沿海地区具有影响力的高端展示平台,以多年多 城市办展经验为基础依托,以美业产品的展览展示为主体,以促进供需双方贸易成交为目 标,以建立区域内产业联通互动的交流体系为核心,力求打造一个集品牌推广、展示交易、 高端对话、市场开拓于一体的美业专属平台,也是您寻找经销商、代理商、加盟连锁、合作 伙伴、展示风采、向美业专家学习的有效的信息平台。
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The 37th China Qingdao International Beauty Hairdressing & Cosmetic Expo 2020 (QIBE 2020) will be held in Qingdao International Convention & Exhibition Center in March 29th-31st 2020 with about 40,000 square meters. The five main exhibitor profiles are: professional beauty, daily cosmetic, plastic surgery, nail, embodies & eyelash and skin care.
With estimated 1200 domestic and international exhibitors and brands, there will be more than 80,000 buyers to the exhibition for purchasing and cooperation.
On the basis of rich experience in hosting beauty events in different cities of China for 19 years, QIBE 2020 would provide the most influential platform in costal area of East China for the beauty industry.
We aims to create an inclusive beauty platform with brand promotion, making possible cooperation between each other, meeting and market expansion. The platform will also be the high efficiency channel in not only advertising for distributors, agents, franchising&licensing and partners but also presenting advantages and learning from industry experts.
2020青岛国际美博会• 3月29-31日
重要活动规划 / Main Activities Plan
•半岛国际智慧美业高端论坛 I Peninsula International Intellectual Beauty Industry Forum
•第四届中国美业总裁崂山论道 I The 4出 China Beauty CEO Meeting in Laoshan District
•中日韩美业领袖峰会 I China, Japan & Korea Industry Leaders Forum
| The 6th China Qingdao International Beauty Industry Visual & Artistic Ceremony
•青岛市美容美发化妆品行业发展圆桌会议I QingdaoBeautyHaiMressing&CosmeticIndustryMeeting
•国际美业形象设计大赛 I International Beauty Makeup Design Competition
•青岛国际健康时尚美容周启动仪式 I Qingdao International Health & Fashion Week Launching Ceremony
| The 2nd Qingdao Beauty Hairdressing & Cosmetic Industry Talented Meeting
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